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about me

i am a PhD scientist and have worked in research labs at several high profile universities, bridging chemistry, biology, and engineering to create new tools for health care and medicine

all the while i have painted, giving my right brain freedom to process emotions, explore creatively, and gain influence in my day-to-day perceptions

i am intensely physical and foray into yoga, lifting, martial arts, body surfing, and sports—physiology and action painting are recurrent art subjects


i also provide behavioral rehab and training for high-risk dogs in my community—my clients call me a "dog whisperer," but i like to say i speak dog.

artistic vision

just begin

see what emerges

refine the image

understand why later

An ink and oil pen sketch of a human being on a journey, walking along a path, contemplating change in life | colorful linework, rainbow color palette, comtemporary modern abstract art

rarely do i begin with an image in mind.

instead, i try to keep my mind blank.

i focus on my body—my gut,

because there's something churning,

an emotion that needs to come out...

so i let it.

only later do i come to understand why

i began the piece in the first place.

uncertainty is a fear—conquer it.

An ink sketch with color linework and an inspirational message about perfectionism, letting go, and creativity | modern contemporary abstract artwork



& color



A large painting with colorful linework using charcoal and oil pastels with an inspirational message and poetry about survival, art, creativity, and change | contemporary modern abstract wall art
A large, textured, acrylic, black and white, monochromatic painting of an ocean wave viewed from above, from a pier, showing the rush of water, turbelence, currents, and tides | contemporary modern abstract wall art




"a wavefront,

as seen

from above"

a close-up image of paint texture on a colorful, rainbow acrylic painting with layered paint and stippling | contemporary modern abstract fine wall art



"change is from

a to b,

and god is the

space between"

a close-up image of paint texture on a colorful, rainbow acrylic painting with layered paint and stippling | contemporary modern abstract fine wall art
lines & color

i often experiment with new geometries & line work.

the first pieces in a series will be monochrome.

the next will have a limited color palette, often primary.

final pieces are "rainbow" & feature the entire spectrum, which can be incredibly difficult to balance.

action painting

Jackson Pollock has been a lifelong inspiration for me, and seeing his works in person has been invaluable.

when i create action paintings, i swing my entire body & dance around the canvas, hence these are large works.

my recent action painting techniques deposit pigments inside acrylics, built layer-by-layer with disrupted drying times to controllably crack paint & create fine textures.


oils dry slowly—excruciatingly so for some pigments—drying agents expedite the process but dull pigments.

texturing oil paints requires immense patience and care to dry between layers, otherwise they may never dry.

my oil paintings take months to years to produce.

in the studio: Blick oils, linseed oil, sun-thickened linseed oil, pale drying oil


pigments give color and radiance.

media bind the pigments and

dry into films of paint.

phones & computer screens digitize light with red, green, & blue LEDs—these screens barely scratch the surface of color and struggle to capture how texture changes the painting's color as you move around the canvas.

please visit art in person.

open yourself to take time,

and let it impact you.

calligraphy brush bens lying on a sketchpad next to bottles of ink with an inspirational message written for artists | sketching, drawing, contemporary artwork, fine art
a mixed media painting with acrylic paint, latex paint, and asphalt, depicting a man on a motorcycle driving fast, racing, and charging through the wind | contemporary modern abstract fine art

featured: "charger" with an asphalt top-coat

1 / sketching

feasible in hours/days versus months/years for painting, i sketch to emote, experiment, & practice for scaling up. don't underestimate the technique & skill required—use calligraphy brushes to improve shoulder & wrist dexterity

in the studio: 80+ lb papergraphite, charcoal, oil pastelsKuretake No 22 brush pensPlatinum carbon ink, and Lamy crystal inks

2 / acrylics

fast-drying acrylics are ideal for building heavy textures, and mixing their water base with oils and alcohols can tinker with surface tension to create intriguing effects.

in the studio: Golden Heavy Body paints and Golden mediums dosed with pigments or raw materials (e.g., sand, glass)

3 / oils

oils dry slowly—excruciatingly so for some pigments—drying agents expedite the process but dull pigments.

texturing oil paints requires immense patience and care to dry between layers, otherwise they may never dry.

my oil paintings take months to years to produce.

in the studio: Blick oils, linseed oil, sun-thickened linseed oil, pale drying oil

4 / oil sticks

oil paints dosed with wax to form a handheld stick.

oil sticks have a lipstick consistency that can be "rolled" onto the canvas and with enough care, layered heavily.

in the studio: R&F pigment sticks & Sennelier sticks with additives

5 / encaustics

used by the ancient Greeks to paint & seal their ships, encaustics are beeswax dosed with dammar tree resin to raise the melting point and harden the paint films. encaustics are applied hot and cool on the canvas.

in the studio: all my encaustics are handmade

6 / nontraditional materials

the roughness of asphalt yields an ultra-black surface. latex primer can absorb pigments from other paints.

i often muse that Home Depot is my favorite art store: scrapers, wire brushes, paint sticks, solvents, tarps, rope, chains, welding wire, wood, mis-tinted "oops" paints...

in the studio: asphalt, latex primer, concrete stain, welding wire, etc

keep exploring!

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