when you live with my art,
i want it to change with you
& hold your affection for a lifetime.

custom pieces
& installations
fill your space with something
truly unique

featured: "winter escapes"
a four-panel polyptych with 120" x 48" painted surface, color-matched to the blues, reds, grays, & iridescent silvers throughout the home
this custom installation was designed for a dancing room and is meant to be viewed while twirling. the piece also catches the attention of visitors entering the front door & looks upon the front yard, which is often covered in snow.
elements to consider for construction
1 / size
off-the-shelf & cost-effective canvases max at 48" x 60" (4' x 5')
i fill larger areas with multi-panel pieces or custom canvases
2 / location & lighting
i will work within your floor plan & purpose to impress people no matter how or when they view the art.
do you need inspiration over coffee in the morning sun, or will your guests be seated for dinner? are you filling an active space for dancing or yoga? or are you inspiring people in a high-traffic business area where people will view the art often but for only a few seconds at a time?
3 / colors & mood
what are your favorite colors, and what do you not like?
i can work with any pigment, incorporate metallics and iridescent colors, and can match your room's exact palette, quite literally to your exact paint brand & color
4 / energy & mood
how do you want people to feel, and why?
art can inspire creativity in a board room, energize you on the way out of the door, or relax you as you return home. if you or your organization serve a higher cause, you can also use dystopian or unsettling images to drive people to action.
turn photos into one-of-a-kind drawings
celebrate your memories
watch this space...
for figure drawings of people & animals